
Showing posts from October, 2021

Blog 5- My favourite food

  Hello everyone. I think my favorite food of all time is french fries. I tell you this because I could eat this food every day forever (but I would like to nutritionally enrich them, so I don't die). I'm sure you all know how fries are made (with oil and salt), but I prefer to make my fries in an air fryer (they must be pre-fried and frozen) so I don't have to worry about checking on the fries every minute. This appliance is very useful and makes meals healthier. I like fries because they are always a good side dish. Plus, it's a simple but tasty meal and is relatively quick to make. Finally, I like fries because they only need ketchup and mayonnaise (for me), unlike other meals that need a lot of condiments and a lot of effort. To finish, I would like to say that French fries remind me of Saturdays at my grandmother's house; we always ate French fries for lunch while watching "SinVergüenza" on Chilevisión on TV. We really liked this show, because of the ...

Blog 4- A photograph's story

  I took this photo at the MAC museum (the one located in Quinta Normal). I'm in love with this picture, because next to me is my boyfriend, and we were celebrating -I don't remember how many- months of dating (but, in a few months we will be three years together).  In the photo you can see us appreciating an exhibition, we had a projector behind us. There were many paintings, photos, sculptures, and a whole section on the Social Outbreak, which undoubtedly evoked a series of unpleasant feelings. I like this picture because it is a symbol of freedom, love, dreams and happiness, I tell you all this because, during the pandemic, we all lost many of these feelings, so remembering this picture means for me an escape from all the bad things going on, because it was one of the happiest moments of my life. Thanks for reading, best regards!

Blog 3- My Favorite Piece of Technology

I would say that my favourite piece of technology is my inalambric mouse, i'm already thinking this because it has a hamster design that's super cute. This is how it looks: I bought the mouse a few months ago, I use it every day because it is very comfortable, its keys do not make loud sounds, and I love it because it looks like my hamster Topacio (who I introduced to you before).  I forgot to mention that I hate to see cables on my desk, so I also appreciate that it is wireless. However, it does require batteries to operate, so I should make a point of turning it off every time I stop using it, but I always forget.  My favorite piece of technology used to be my cell phone, but now I think it's a little... scary and addictive. I say this because it's hard to put my eyes away of it, especially in online classes, it's like it's pressuring you so you can't take your eyes off it. Hope you all doing great. Thank you very much for reading!